I love him cause:
He's either not willing to oblige in photos....
He's kind to animals:
(Bobby on a chain)
(Bobby the Exclusive Bretheren)
(Dances with wolves sheep)
(Sparkler VS. Buck)
(Yanking Mr Tumnus's horns)
(Teaching Bobby bad habits)
DISCLAIMER: No animals were harmed in the taking of these photos.... unless you count their dignity.
He always finds what he's looking for:
He's an amazing cook:
(This picture really does no justice to this AMAZING Burger. I'd happily eat it again over Burger Fuel.)
He's ingenious:
He buys me things unexpectedly:
He's subtle:
(I forget to throw shampoo bottles out so we end up gathering somewhat of a collection in the shower. I found these in the carport. He'd thrown them out the bathroom window.)
(Proving that he's not the only one that leaves empty toilet rolls in the can.)
(He made a capflap)
He buys me things unexpectedly:
He's subtle:
He's my hero:
He's brave and eats my experiments:
His revenge is NASTY:
(I was wearing his beloved "comfy pants" so he paid me back by wearing my clean robe, singlet and undies over his filthy cow poo ridden overalls until I took the pants off and put them back.) .jpg)
(I was wearing his beloved "comfy pants" so he paid me back by wearing my clean robe, singlet and undies over his filthy cow poo ridden overalls until I took the pants off and put them back.)
He's real good at taking my picture:
He fixes my broke stuff:
This list will never come close to capturing even the slightest essence of the very man I married.
He's a discrete giver and it's hard for me not to shout from the roof tops all the amazing things he does in private.
But since you asked, here are some points:
*He gives away his hard earned work bonus's.
*He's only taken 1 sick day in our 4 years of marriage.
*He tried adopting an abused child.
*Last week he told me to do nothing.. no cleaning, no cooking and gave me money to spend on myself in town.
*He's the first to step in when someone is being treated unjustfully.
*He's quick to forgive me for my wrongs.
*He builds me up in public.
*He flares his nostrils when he's trying to keep a straight face.
*He doesn't mind singing a bit of SuBo in the shower.
*He warms up my side of the bed in Winter.
*He makes me a coffee EVERY morning.
*He always gives me the biggest glass of coke.
*He sings Spice Girl songs at the top of his lungs with me in the car.
*He's a perfectionist on the BBQ.
*He never strives for recognition.
*He made and keeps our vege garden in pristine condition.
*He sings to my preggy belly.
*He can make anything.
*He includes others.
*He isn't hairy.
*He lets his farts out the bottom of the bed.
*He squashes disgusting bugs for me.
*He picks me flowers.
*He's a "Gleek".
*He wrote his future wife a letter in India before he knew me and read it out during our wedding reception.
*He has a kangaroo dance.
*He takes me to Auckland to shop monthly.
*He looks good driving Utes.
*He looks even better driving Tractors.
*He wants to assemble EVERYTHING.
*He always has a good idea.
*He always knows what to do.
*He's loyal (to me, friends and employers).
*He never exaggerates.
*He never pretends to be somebody else.
*His eyes are like the ocean.
*He loads the dishwasher every morning.
*He makes perfect gravy.
*He's all mine.
I love you Dan.
I'm greatful you chose me to be your wife.
naww thank you baby for being so loving and nice to me, i'm sure i dont deserve it for all the times i leave the towel on the ground or my dirty dishes on the clean side of the sink, or slurp my drink by ACCIDENT.
you compleat me in every way a wife is supposed to and if i had the time to write such a cool blog bout you blog land itself could not contain my words.
lots of love.
oooh I feel like I'm peaking a bit through the curtains ;) but I just have to say how SWEET this post is! and hilarious!! what a super cool couple you guys are. All the best for the arrival of you new addition :)
I just love this so much!!!
wow - from symon, logged in as Kristy ;-)
hi! This is very cool! Very cool!
That was very very lovely. I remember you being very small, and the sunday school van picking you up (and me being terribly in love with Jeremy - anyhoo, THATS another story...) and now you are going to have a baby, woo hoo! So am I, in 8 days, but i already have 3 others so it doesn't really count. Good luck. you will love it. jodi x
Flip! comments!
Widge - aww thanks heaps for ur comment :) and we so cant wait for this new addition to surface from ten thousand leagues under.... Speaking of being preggers... I could totally go for one of those huge choc chip cookies right now with like... a chicken kebab.... simultaneously.. mmm.
Paisley and Syms - Thanks fullas.. u guys are real encouraging. Will have to get "how to secure a potty in your car without splash-back" tips from you..
Gail - Hi back at ya and thank u muchly :)
Jodi - Aww thank you! THE SUNDAY SCHOOL BUS! oh my goodness, that was forever and a half ago.. Man Im itching to hear the Jeremy story though, how/when did you click I was his sister? Yay for you and ur little ones! Ive got two weeks to go... two weeks of swollen rhino feet then it's poo explosions and sleepless nights here I come! :D
awesome post betty-lizzle soon to be mother of not charlotte...
you are definitely one of the most amazing (and super funny) writers I know. you give me smiles and brighten up my day whenever i read your posts!
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