Make an inspiration board:
You will need:
- A Husband. Or someone good at DIY stuff.
- Corkboard, Project board or whatever other kind of board that can handle pins and staples being stabbed into it frequently.
- Some purrrrty fabric to cover the board.
- A Jigsaw or something to cut the board to size if you have an "off piece".
- Staple Gun.
- Elastic fabric.
- Pins.
- Inspiration.
Step 1: Measure the board.
Step 2: Cut it to size.
Step 3: Cut fabric, stretch it to be nice and tight across the board and staple it.
Step 4: Take over from Husband, cause by now you are arguing about how tight to stretch it and where EXACTLY to staple it. I love you Dan.
Step 5: Get creative. I put pink elastic across my board. Looks nice against the maroon velvet. I've also got turquoise string to add to it.
Step 6: Ka Ching!
Go my pretties.
Time to get inspired.
oohhhh - so pretty!
so kewl :) hay you need to get some more peeps following your blog! I think Paisley and I are the only ones commenting... Can't have that!
tell me bout it. sad as.
we gotsta get the word out :)
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