- The ten second rule.
- Getting the Cereal/Milk ratio just right.
- Vogel Bread.
- Getting a Truckie to beep their horn.
- Mini punch no returns.
- New sheets.
- Flies that die in the WEIRDEST and smallest places (ie. in the cordless phone cradle, I mean they have a whole desk to die on yet their focus in their last breath of life is making it to the phone cradle.
- Twisting off the stems of Apples.
- Imagining making "Betty's" line of cologne for that Manly Man:
-"Meat Pie" smell - for that Manly Man that would eat meat in any way, shape or form.
-"Grass Clippings" smell - for the DIY Man that cracks a sweat and a thirst.
-"Rain on Cement" smell - for the real Man that stands on the side of the road with "Stop" sign
-"New Book" smell - for the brainy Man that reads alot and earns major pingas.
-"H20" smell - for the health conscious Metro that would probably also carry a "Man Bag".
-"Burnt Matchsticks" smell - for the Pyromaniac in every Man.
I walked past a Man in the Supermarket last night, I swear he was wearing "Pure Gasoline". What a Manly Man that Man was.
- The Accordian.
- Piglets.
- Anchors.
- Joy Bar Icecreams.
- False eyelashes.
- Holding hands.
- Pistachio Nuts.
- Dresses.
- My now ancient Ipod.
- Poetry.
- Bobby wearing a Bib.
- Our Man couch.
- (Note the Whittakers Chocolate Bar. I'm gonna eat it today.)
- Second hand Books.
- Kissing in the rain awwww.
- A purring Cat in my lap.
- Payday!
- New shoes that don't squeak.
- An expert foot massage.
- Roasted Pumpkin.
- Dinosaurs.
- Paper dolls.
- Caravans.
- Mexican Wrestling Masks.
- Vintage Luggage.
- Arts and Crafts.
- Museums.
- Art Galleries.
- Street signs.
- Disco balls.
- Connect Four.
- Saying "Neh".
- Pirate ships.
- Fake Moustaches.
- Butterfly Magnets.
- Thermos's.
- Pez Dispensers.
The Winter Show.
- Chalk on the sidewalk.
- My first pair of red Chuck Taylors when I was five and played Tiny Tot Hockey.
- Salvation Mountain (look it up).
- Step on a crack you'll marry a rat.
- Freckle fart from K-Mart.
- Eclipse Mints.
- Hearing Parents say "it's all the rage".
- Autumn!!!! Autumn!!!! Autumn!!!
- Did I mention Autumn?
- Sunrises.
- Sunsets.
- Shiny things.
- Lift Plus.
- Pineapple Lumps.
- I CANNOT wait for Burgerfuel to hit our crazy ghost town.
- Eating Icecream with a teaspoon.

So many memories... I love Pez dispensers!
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